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Everyone Needs a Robotic Concierge!


Now Introducing Following/Carrying Technology!

The gita is a following/carrying robot with pedestrian etiquette.
The gita (media by Piaggio)

The gita and gitamini are Carrying/Following Robots

File this under something new, but is it something we really need? These robots will follow you while also carrying your things. I am referring to the gita and gitamini by Piaggio Fast Forward.

Piaggio Fast Forward is part of the Piaggio Group, the company behind the famous Vespa scooter. It looks as if they took the storage off a Vespa (pictured), threw a couple of wheels on it, and now you gave the gita.

The typical Vespa by Plaggio Fast Forward is a high-end moped endorsed by celebrities like Justin Bieber.
Vespa (media by Vespa)

Honestly, I am intrigued and confused about the target market these units are intended for. So now for more information on these little robots.

A gitamini carrying robot in yellow with oversized wheels.
gitamini (media by Piaggio Fast Forward)

Gita is an Italian word and as defined by the Cambridge Dictionary:

These small pod-like units are made for short journeys or jaunts and have room for cargo. Expect the gita to travel up to 12 miles on a single charge and the gitamini to travel 21 miles. They can traverse uneven surfaces and slight inclines based on wheel size, going from indoors to outdoors. They will not tackle stairs or steep slopes. In these instances, the unit will have to be carried. Expect issues when coming across sandy, dirt, ice, or snow-covered surfaces. You should probably stay out of the mud and grass as well. (Note: The top lid is not watertight, so it is not recommended for carrying things in the rain.)

The average walking speed of a person is anywhere from 2 to 5 mph, and you will be glad to know the gita can hit a speed of 6 mph. The point is that gita is not a straggler, and even more importantly, it is not overly aggressive. Piaggio has taken extraordinary measures in creating a device with “pedestrian etiquette.”

Given these devices are instilled with this pedestrian etiquette, it is important to detail how this is achieved. In Piaggio's own words, this is achieved through the following:

Depth-sensing technology A 3-dimensional understanding of people, obstacles, speeds, and trajectories so that it can dynamically follow behind you (mirroring your speed and adapting its distance accordingly).
Color-sensing technology Ability to differentiate between people and objects during the day and night.
Neural networks Ability to process visual and spatial information in real-time for quick reactions and continuous learning.

This unique cumulation of technology allows the gita to follow its owner without needing a GPS or mobile tracking unit. If the gita encounters an obstacle or another pedestrian in a shared space, it will automatically avoid said obstacle and recouple with its owner without skipping a beat. You add all of this together and have an intelligent robot with manners!

The gita application is available for download and allows users to park the device when not in use. The bin can be locked, the battery can be checked, and you can download any gita updates within your phone.

Plaggio has developed a fully function phone application for the gita to offer additional features.
gita Application (media by Piaggio)

So how much cargo can these siblings carry? The gita has a payload of 40 lbs, whereas the gitamini can carry up to 20lbs. Don’t worry, gita is gentle with all precious cargo!

A red gita containing a Baby Yoda along with a posing Mandalorian character from Star Wars.
Mandalorian Approved (media by Piaggio)

The gitamini comes in at 28lbs when empty, with the gita tipping the scales at 50lbs. Keep this in mind should you have to lift or carry these at some point in your trip, and even more so should they be packed with your precious goods, they will be heavier. The gita will set you back $2950, and the gitamini will cost you $1850.


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