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I Opted Not to Get the iPhone 13!

Updated: Mar 21, 2022

Life Had Other Plans. Rest In Peace my iPhone 12!

iPhone 13 (medium by JC)

Apple released the iPhone 13 last year, and I did something I usually don’t. I stood pat and made no impulse purchases. In my opinion, there weren’t enough features to make me want to shell out the monies needed for such a purchase. After all, the iPhone 12 had everything I needed, and I still marvel at the pictures I take with it daily. It is a remarkable piece of hardware. Or at least it was!

A few years ago, during a hockey tournament in Eagle River, Wisconsin, I had the misfortune of losing an iPhone on the trip. “Losing” might not be the accurate description as I happened to drop the phone in a Port-a-potty near the outdoor ice area. I remember the experience to this day as I had thought, for a millisecond, of reaching my hand in to retrieve the phone. Again, it was a very fleeting thought followed by another thought of “Are you bloody crazy?”

Flash forward to this past weekend, and I had another bout of misfortune. As this was another pond hockey weekend, I was at my Father-in-law’s house and slipped on his stairs, tumbling down on my back down at least ten steps. I also want to preface this with the understanding no alcohol was involved in this instance. This was all me and my complacency. I’m still a little banged up but not as beaten as my iPhone 12. My habit of keeping my phone in my back pocket had come back to bite me, as it embedded itself in my backside during my sudden fall.

iPhone 12 (media by JC)

iPhone Damage (media by JC)

The screen protector and case couldn’t protect the phone from the weight of a 2 behemoth against a narrow wooden step or two. I have damaged electronics before, but this one cut me deep (both literally and figuratively). Sure, I could have found a refurbished iPhone 12 or something comparable, but I took it as a sign it was time to buy the 13.

As I understand it, the 13 has the faster A15 chip, a better camera system, and an improved battery through optimization. Was it enough for me to make the purchase last year? No, but it will have to be enough for now.

As luck would have it, Chance Miller came out with this article iPhone 12 vs. iPhone 13: Which should you buy in 2022? on the day I made my purchase. Call it coincidence, but at least it made me feel a little bit better about my purchase. I would have preferred to wait for the iPhone 14 release later this year, but I can always trade out my wife’s phone for the iPhone 13. She is always a willing participant!


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