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“Writing” is not Just an Escape! I Find it Therapeutic!


Updated: Feb 26, 2022

I Have Always Loved to Write

For as long as I can remember, I have written for myself and others, but primarily for myself. Whether it was poetry, writing into some journal, or for some college composition course, I was always writing. Writing always proved to be some release to me. In certain instances, it was a form of escape. I had read several books and often thought, “I can do this.” Of course, I never did write the ever daunting novel, nor did I write the Pulitzer Prize-winning article to bring me fame. My minor works of art never left my side.

I remember writing a letter back in high school to a family of a female classmate of mine. Her life had ended tragically in a preventable car crash. I told myself it was a letter for the family, but I believe it was more for myself at the moment as I never sent that letter. I remember pouring my heart into this letter as high school and home life was rough for me that year. Several years went by, and I remember coming across the letter at my parent’s house. I expect it will reappear one day again.

The writings were always a way for me to express my feelings without actually having to show them. It was a release of sorts without actually having anyone to read them. I found it therapeutic to put pen to paper, and I still do, although the pen and paper I traded for a handy laptop! I have crawled out of my comfort zone and am more willing to share these writings with the outside world. It can be both exciting and scary but never dull. I will do my best to keep it entertaining!


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